Ukraine US biolabs

Russian accusations of a U.S.-funded and administered 'biowarfares' laboratory research plan in Ukraine has led to rampant speculation about the nature of these Pentagon-funded laboratories. The Russians' insistence that it has prove of such a bioweapons program has become a major hurdle at the diplomatic negotiations between Russian federation and Ukraine in Republic of belarus.

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov charged at a press conference last week that "the Pentagon built two biowarfare labs and they accept been developing pathogens there in Kyiv and in Odessa." Lavrov also compared the presence of the laboratories to the United States' Weapons of Mass Devastation program allegations that led it to invade Iraq in 2003 and topple dictator Saddam Hussein.

Leonid Slutsky, caput of the Duma Committee on International Affairs and a fellow member of the Russian delegation at the talks with Ukraine, argued that the purported evolution of biological weapons components "ostend that the Russian federation had good reasons for conducting a special armed services operation to demilitarize Ukraine."

Major General Igor Konashenkov, an official representative of the Russian Ministry building of Defense force, charged on Sun that "components of biological weapons were being adult in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory."

Amongst the Russians' accusations, the U.Southward. Embassy in Ukraine has scrubbed a number of documents related to the Ukrainian "Biological Threat Reduction" program.

Those documents accept been retrieved and tin can be read below. The documents show both the locations of the Ukrainian laboratories and the Section of Defence force's listing as a "donor" to the program.

"The Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance Organization (EIDSS) is a software system which is designed to strengthen monitoring and prevention of human being and animal diseases inside the One Health concept, and facilitate compliance of International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005," the embassy document states.

In 2011 EIDSS was introduced in Ukraine with installations at the following sites:

  • Central Sanitary-Epidemiology Station in Kyiv (CSES)
  • Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa (URAPI)
  • Vinnitsa Oblast Sanitary-Epidemiological Station
  • Vinnitsa Metropolis Germ-free- Epidemiological Station
  • Kalynivska Rayon Sanitary- Epidemiological Station in Vinnitsa Oblast
  • Zhitomir Oblast Sanitary- Epidemiological Station
  • Khmelnitska Oblast Germ-free- Epidemiological Station equally regional sites

"The principal objective of the programme is to implement EIDSS at the sites of the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Service of Ukraine for monitoring and outbreak prevention of diseases including those caused by Especially Dangerous Pathogens," the document adds.

The Department of Defense expenditures equally listed for select Ukrainian laboratories follow below:

  • Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,935,557)
  • Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,810, 547)
  • Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $ane,638,375)
  • Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinarian Laboratory (USD $1,746,312)
  • Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $ane,927,158)
  • Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinarian Laboratory (USD $1,734,971)
  • Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Heart (USD $1,504,840)
  • Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center (USD $1,920,432)
  • Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences ( USD $2,109,375.23)

The U.Due south. Embassy in Ukraine explained the operation of the laboratories and accused the Russians of spreading disinformation about their nature in 2020. Watch:

"The biological threat reduction programme is working in 27 countries," the U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan William Moser said. "We've feel this disinformation and misinformation is done just to actually exploit divisions."

"We've had accusations that some inquiry projects were beingness used to create threats, not to identify threats and reduce them," Dr. Mary Lancaster added. "Ulterior motives are existence injected where none exist."

"We've congenital these capabilities for the partners, their cardinal reference labs for research," Lance Brooks said. "They publish everything they practice. They invite the international customs into their laboratories. They're working on behalf and the benefit of the people of their respective countries."

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, however, has accused the U.South. and Ukraine of a lack of transparency.

"We take data that the Pentagon is preoccupied with the chemical and biological installations in Ukraine," Lavrov claimed. "The Pentagon built two biowarfare labs and they have been developing pathogens in that location in Kyiv and in Odessa."

"And now they are concerned that they may lose control over these labs," he argued. "And you know what it may exist like in future. And the Americans decline flatly and resolutely to start an inspection mechanism as part of the convention for the prohibition of chemic weapons. And they build new chemical and biological facilities all across Russian borders."

"And, you know, many other developments happen," Lavrov went on. "The CIA has been on the ground in droves, and they have been training the Ukrainian army, non to wage a war with Poland, apparently. And when developments in Republic of iraq happened, when the The states claimed information technology was a threat to the U.S. national security, did anyone ask dorsum then why the Us dorsum and then decided to bring a country 10,000 kilometers off its coast to order, because the U.South. is a great power?"

"When Russia says there is a threat to u.s.a., they start telling united states that there is not a threat at all, but yous know, nosotros will decide what is needed to provide for our security," Lavrov stated. "And it'due south shut and next to our borders, we volition not go 10,000 kilometers away to enforce our rules."

Russia is therefore invoking the Us' invasion of Republic of iraq in 2003 equally a pretext for invading Ukraine. It turned out later the invasion that weapons inspectors could find scant if whatever evidence that so Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was maintaining an active Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) programme. However, the New York Times reported that Iraq had old stockpiles of WMDs that were discovered by U.S. soldiers.

In May 2020, Lavrov defendant the Us "categorically opposing the adoption of a protocol to the convention of banning biological and toxin weapons, which would establish a machinery to verify compliance by member countries with their obligation not to produce such weapons."

"The U.s.' reluctance to ensure transparency of its armed services-biological activities in different regions of the world, of course, raises questions almost what is actually happening and what goals are being pursued," Lavrov said at a news conference after a virtial meeting with strange ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

"These laboratories are densely formed along the perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation, and, accordingly, next to the borders of the People's Commonwealth of Prc," Lavrov added.

The U.Southward. Embassy in Ukraine has published information about its "Biological Threat Reduction Program" in Ukraine:

The U.S. Department of Defense'due south Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, adventitious, or natural) of the world's most dangerous infectious diseases. The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through evolution of a bio-risk management civilisation; international research partnerships; and partner chapters for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures. The Biological Threat Reduction Program'due south priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security business organization and to go on to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.

Current executive agents of the Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine are the Ministry of Health, the Country Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, and the Ministry of Defense.

The fact sheets on the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine website on the following laboratories are cited in a higher place.

Ukraine lab reports

  • Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory (PDF 101 KB)
  • Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinarian Laboratory (PDF 101 KB)
  • Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory (PDF 98 KB)
  • Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (Luhansk RDVL) (PDF 91 KB)
  • Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory (PDF 102 KB)
  • Vinnytsia Diagnostic Laboratory (Vinnytsia DL) (PDF 99 KB)

The U.S. diplomatic mission website partly corroborates a 'viral map' that purports to show American biological laboratories in Ukraine.

Ukraine biolabs

There is no strong evidence of U.South. funded "bioweapons" research in Ukraine. Therefore, there is a potent possibility that this is Russian disinformation. But the U.S. embassy in Ukraine lists biological "threat reduction" laboratories, similar to the ones the U.S. funded in Wuhan. The readers can describe their own conclusions.